Is someone in your home having difficulty getting a good night's sleep? Are they up and about all night? Is crankiness or irritability present at the breakfast table? It's possible a family member is experiencing insomnia.
There is more than one type of insomnia that could be affecting someone in your home.
Transient insomnia is another name for short-term insomnia. Transient insomnia can be caused by environmental conditions like changes to our normal routine. Distractions around the time of sleep such as noise and bright lights in the bedroom qualify.
A more involved type of insomnia would be chronic insomnia. Another name for it is long term insomnia. The causes for this vary but sufferers haven't had a good night's sleep for months. People who suffer from conditions outside of their environment like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome experience this type of insomnia. Only through treatment will the sleep problems resolve.
Some people are more prone to sleeping difficulties than others, just as some people are more prone to experience headaches or stomach irritability. People of all ages can experience insomnia, but the elderly tend to experience it more often. Teenagers can begin to experience insomnia at the onset of puberty; internal clocks reset themselves to a bedtime of 2-3 hours later. Because of school the following morning, teenagers are not able to catch up on that lost sleep by sleeping in.
If you've noticed someone who wakes early in the morning, that could be a symptom of insomnia. Combine that with waking at all hours of the night and troubles getting to sleep and you have the formula for a case of insomnia.
Over time, insomnia affects the body and the mind. Not sleeping at night and trying to function during the day has its consequences. Insomniacs can suffer from GI problems, reduced immunity, heart-related issues, high blood pressure, and changes in their weight.
There are treatments available for insomnia. Not getting help can interfere with your life and responsibilities on a daily basis like your family life, work, and/or school. Recognize the symptoms of insomnia in your home. To achieve the best sleep possible, seek treatment. - 17943
There is more than one type of insomnia that could be affecting someone in your home.
Transient insomnia is another name for short-term insomnia. Transient insomnia can be caused by environmental conditions like changes to our normal routine. Distractions around the time of sleep such as noise and bright lights in the bedroom qualify.
A more involved type of insomnia would be chronic insomnia. Another name for it is long term insomnia. The causes for this vary but sufferers haven't had a good night's sleep for months. People who suffer from conditions outside of their environment like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome experience this type of insomnia. Only through treatment will the sleep problems resolve.
Some people are more prone to sleeping difficulties than others, just as some people are more prone to experience headaches or stomach irritability. People of all ages can experience insomnia, but the elderly tend to experience it more often. Teenagers can begin to experience insomnia at the onset of puberty; internal clocks reset themselves to a bedtime of 2-3 hours later. Because of school the following morning, teenagers are not able to catch up on that lost sleep by sleeping in.
If you've noticed someone who wakes early in the morning, that could be a symptom of insomnia. Combine that with waking at all hours of the night and troubles getting to sleep and you have the formula for a case of insomnia.
Over time, insomnia affects the body and the mind. Not sleeping at night and trying to function during the day has its consequences. Insomniacs can suffer from GI problems, reduced immunity, heart-related issues, high blood pressure, and changes in their weight.
There are treatments available for insomnia. Not getting help can interfere with your life and responsibilities on a daily basis like your family life, work, and/or school. Recognize the symptoms of insomnia in your home. To achieve the best sleep possible, seek treatment. - 17943
About the Author:
Does someone in your house need a better night's sleep? For help with transient or chronic sleeping difficulties, claim your free Go To Sleep Secrets eBook download. For better sleep without medications this sleep CD may be just what you need. It uses natural sounds to send you to sleep easily and quickly every night.