Thursday, February 26, 2009

Discover the Truth About Removing Wrinkles

By Evelyn Louise

If you're like me, you probably want to erase wrinkles and look younger. Although growing older gives us more life experience and wisdom, we don't necessarily want to look older, too. Is there a way to restore our youthful appearance?

As we get older, our body's collagen production drops. Collagen is an important skin protein that holds together other bodily tissues, and works in conjunction with elastin to keep our skin elastic, firm, and smooth. Without sufficient collagen, our skin grows droopy, and wrinkles and fine lines spread.

To get rid of wrinkles and look younger, follow these three simple steps.

1) Use an anti-wrinkle cream that boosts collagen production.

You don't need to subject yourself to collagen injections to look 10 years younger. A high quality anti-aging cream can stimulate your body's own production of collagen, and restore your skin's suppleness.

I personally use a natural skin care cream that's been clinically proven to improve skin elasticity by 42% in only 18 days. To say it's worked wonders for me is an understatement.

2) Avoid too much UV radiation from sun rays.

UV radiation is a major reason for prematurely aged skin. It speeds the spreading of wrinkles and brown spots. No anti-aging cream can compete with the damage that excessive sun exposure causes.

To bolster your efforts to turn back the hands of time, limit your sun exposure, especially at peak times of the day. Be sure to use a quality sunscreen, too. If you must venture outdoors at the hottest times of day, remain in the shade--only five minutes in direct sunshine can damage your skin.

3) Use anti-aging skin care treatments that contain antioxidants.

Oxidative stress, from free radicals, causes skin to lose its natural vitality and look older. Antioxidants help skin cells battle these free radicals, and can dramatically rejuvenate your appearance.

To eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, and the other signs of aging, use only anti-wrinkle creams with proven antioxidant properties.

Now that you're armed with this information, what's the next step? Start utilizing this advice immediately. You'll look 10 years younger and feel better than ever, I guarantee it. - 17943

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