Saturday, January 24, 2009

Oprah and the Astrology of Success

By Peter Chavell

People achieve success in many ways. One of the advantages that astrology provides is to specify where and how success can be realised.

The horoscope of Oprah Winfrey points to great success, but why did she achieve it so convincingly?

Astrology not only indicates potential, it also indicates what to do and where to do it. In other words, the fulfilment of astrological potentials depend on being in an optimal context to take advantage of those potentials. A strongly artisitic horoscope may not be fulfilled if the person works in sales; and vice versa.

The elements in Oprah Winfrey's horoscope that relate to success, strongly imply that she, personally, should be involved in communicating with a lot of people. In fact, her talk-show format provides an excellent vehicle with which to fulfil the promise of her horoscope. In many respects it's hard to imagine a better context for her to maximise her success potential.

The planet Mercury (communicating and informing) is an Aquarius (social issues and transformation) and it forms a very positive connection with Jupiter (success and large-scale) which in turn is in Gemini (society and relating).

The message of this combination is clear; Oprah Winfrey should do ... exactly what she does. If he had not chosen to do what she does, would she have achieved the success her horoscope promised? - 17943

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