Friday, January 30, 2009

Does Your Business Really Need Pay Per Click?

By Jon Rognerud

Pay Per Click campaigns are proven effective online marketing methods that every business should consider, because they help with branding, improvement of web presence, search engine rankings, name recognition, building impressions, and so much more.

A strong brand is absolutely essential in the current business climate, since competition is so fierce, and you need to build "top of mind". If you have structured a PPC campaign to show at the most relevant times, both by keyword and by business hours, you can present a compelling ad - just at the right time, when a potential buyer is looking. This is "true power".

Online branding through PPC advertising depends on two things: the frequency with which the ad appears on Search Engine Result Pages (SERP)and the number of times that your target market has been exposed to the ad. The idea is that your potential clients will be able to see your ad again, even if they don't click on it the first time, and as a result, your product, and your business, will achieve top of the mind positioning.

Make sure that you have a solid understanding of your existing data before you begin. Ensure that you get a complimentary review and quality feedback on what this data means to you and your business.

In your search for the right mix of in-sourced versus out-sourced work, you need a knowledgeable, flexible partner that has at least 4 years experience. Some will charge you a flat fee, others a % of your spend of media, and sometimes a mix between the two, which may include a back end performance number. You should decide what works best for your business. - 17943

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