Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why you need an Image Consultant

By Erika

An Fashion Consultant is the best accessory you can have in your life! A fashion stylist is no longer a luxury reserved for the Rich and Famous.

As life happens, sometimes you loose track of yourself. Being overwhelmed with work, family, kids, school, or anything else that requires a lot of your time keeps you frazzeled and very busy. You have lost track of yourself and somewhere along the line you just naturally fell into a comfort zone.

Getting dressed should be a simple process. You wear whatever is convenient, clean, and not wrinkled. You are unsure if you have any stylish outfits. Your comfort Zone tells you that you don't have time to style your hair because you are too busy. It prevents you from finding the time to shop for clothes yourself or even remember what you use to like about fashion. You are unsure as to what even looks good on you.

We all have comfort zones. An Image Consultant recognizes your comfort zone and helps to re-establish your image. Sometimes shopping is an overwhelming experience. The fashion trends and styles change so frequently making it a dreadful experience. Many people just wind up shopping for the things they already have (comfort zone) or for garments that are simple and easy to wear. Hiring an Image Consultant is like having your own personal stylist. They put outfits together for you based on your lifestyle, personality, career, and most importantly body structure.

When you are shopping with your Image Consultant, they help you to understand the styles. A personal Image Consultant teaches you about what style will compliment your shape. Getting back in touch with your body and updating your wardrobe to accommodate your life can be a rewarding wake-up call. You can wear casual clothing and still be stylish. The key here is how you put it together! You can look good and feel comfortable. It is not oneor the other. Whether it's casual, business casual, chic, or timeless elegance a personal Image Consultant can help develop your style.

Do you have a closet full of nothing to wear? The most motivating factor is to FEEL GOOD IN THE SKIN YOUR IN. When you look good you feel good. When you feel good, you have more energy and confidence. Is it time for you to hire a personal Image Consultant?

Own Your Fashion Image!

Erika Chloe is New York's premiere Image Consultant and CEO of - a Fashion Consulting Company with offices in most U.S cities. She is an established Fashion Designer who's clothing line can be found in Bloomingdales, Macy's, and Lord & Taylor. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Textile Design with a specialization in Fabric Styling from The New York Fashion Institute of Technology - NYU - 17943

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