You know you need a wrinkle cream, but how do you find the one thatas going to work for you? There are dozens of choices at the drugstore, and even some at the grocery store. Or maybe you need one that can be ordered online? Should you trust your friend, whoas encouraging you to try the one she uses, which is sold through network marketing? Should you choose at random, or is there a way to make an informed decision?
Manufacturersa claims contain little useful information. Each company tells you its product will take care of fine lines, slow the signs of aging, and make you look younger and all within a short period of time! Reading the advertising copy wonat get you closer to a decision.
Perhaps you could try asking around? At least with the word-of-mouth approach, you would be getting honest opinions from people who have tried the products you are interested in, as long as youare getting feedback from people you trust.
But then, how many people do you know who fit the bill? There are so many products out there, you may have to look hard for someone whoas tried the one youare interested in. And then thereas the problem of different skin types; what works for one person might not work for you.
Is there a solution to this dilemma? Information from scientific studies is usually only disseminated through marketing claims, so you only hear about the studies that showed a particular product to be effective. About other products you may hear no information at all. If only there were a source of independent information!
Over the counter wrinkle creams are usually only tested in a before and after study, where you look for any effect of the treatment. If it were a prescription product, it would also have to be compared to a simple moisturizer to see if it delivered any additional advantage, but this is not done with most drugstore products.
Luckily, some of the most common anti wrinkle ingredients have been tested. The most promising one is retinoids, a type of vitamin A which is also found in some prescription creams. Studies show that while it can take as much as a year to work, it will eventually have an effect for many users. Other ingredients such as hydroxy acids and antioxidants have less evidence to show for their effectiveness.
Generally, most of the effect of wrinkle creams tends to come from their moisturizing and protecting effects on the skin. This doesn't require fancy 200 dollar products. It could make economical sense to try the cheaper options first, in case they deliver the effect you are looking for. They very well may, as there have been tests that showed little difference between exclusive anti-aging products and less expensive drugstore moisturizing creams. - 17943
Manufacturersa claims contain little useful information. Each company tells you its product will take care of fine lines, slow the signs of aging, and make you look younger and all within a short period of time! Reading the advertising copy wonat get you closer to a decision.
Perhaps you could try asking around? At least with the word-of-mouth approach, you would be getting honest opinions from people who have tried the products you are interested in, as long as youare getting feedback from people you trust.
But then, how many people do you know who fit the bill? There are so many products out there, you may have to look hard for someone whoas tried the one youare interested in. And then thereas the problem of different skin types; what works for one person might not work for you.
Is there a solution to this dilemma? Information from scientific studies is usually only disseminated through marketing claims, so you only hear about the studies that showed a particular product to be effective. About other products you may hear no information at all. If only there were a source of independent information!
Over the counter wrinkle creams are usually only tested in a before and after study, where you look for any effect of the treatment. If it were a prescription product, it would also have to be compared to a simple moisturizer to see if it delivered any additional advantage, but this is not done with most drugstore products.
Luckily, some of the most common anti wrinkle ingredients have been tested. The most promising one is retinoids, a type of vitamin A which is also found in some prescription creams. Studies show that while it can take as much as a year to work, it will eventually have an effect for many users. Other ingredients such as hydroxy acids and antioxidants have less evidence to show for their effectiveness.
Generally, most of the effect of wrinkle creams tends to come from their moisturizing and protecting effects on the skin. This doesn't require fancy 200 dollar products. It could make economical sense to try the cheaper options first, in case they deliver the effect you are looking for. They very well may, as there have been tests that showed little difference between exclusive anti-aging products and less expensive drugstore moisturizing creams. - 17943
About the Author:
Jen Hopkins maintains a website about best wrinkle cream. Visit her website to know more about best wrinkle cream.