Friday, December 19, 2008

A Spray Tan Backgrounder

By Maria Smitheram

Tanning booths have become the number one way for people to keep that year round tanned look. We should all now be aware of the dangers of too much sun (skin cancer) and a number of alternatives are showing success in the market to counteract these health issues.

The quickest and most preferred method of having a fake tan is by using a spray tanning salon service. Although there are many other methods, spraying seems to provide the most even and consistent tan available at the moment.

There are now home spray tanning systems available but these may not be the easiest to use on your own although regular users could save money and time. While there are different ways to provide an alternative tan, the way to achieve it and make it longer lasting are the same.

Ensure a good clean body surface to work with, you will need to remove any dead skin by exfoliation. Fake tan applications that have been done without this vital step are easy to spot as the recipient has light patches in the tan where the dead skin has fallen of.

To complete this part of the preparation, the skin needs to be moist and ready to accept the tan so a good skin moisturizer will need to be applied all over. unless you want people to see the orange palms which you will most certainly have when you have finished.

Even spray tanning can cause the odd problem if there is an excess and it starts to run so take a towel you no longer want with you to wipe it off.

Don't wiggle around a lot after applying the self tanning agent, remaining as motionless as possible will help to ensure an even tan. Consider what you are going to wear once you have applied the fake tan as it tends to stain objects, in particular clothing. If possible always choose clothing that is darker and preferably something that is old and won't matter if a stain is left on it.

Dark clothing is obviously the best choice as even if it does stain, it won't notice so readily and you won't have to throw the clothing out. To get the most from your artificial tan, follow these guidelines and you won't go far wrong. - 17943

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