Monday, December 22, 2008

Considering a Body Wax? Read this First.

By Charlotte Field

Estheticians agree that personal waxing is fast becoming the most sought-after method of any hair removal system. And why not? Other hair removal systems can be expensive, ineffective, and complicated with possible dangerous side effects. If you have not experienced personal body waxing, and think you may want to give it a try, you'll have a few questions to ask before you embark on a commitment like this. The worst part of beginning a waxing routine is not knowing what to expect. I have put together a brief question and answer forum with the most commonly asked questions listed below. The answers apply to all parts of the body, although some may be a bit more sensitive than others.

Q. Do I have to let my hair grow out a little so the wax can work?

For the best results, we normally like about a 2 to 3 weeks of hair growth or approximately 1/4". I know this may be uncomfortable, but the waxing process depends on enough hair to attach to in order to see good results.

Q. What do I need to know about getting my body ready for waxing?

There are a few details to keep in mind when you come in for your waxing. You'll need to stay out of the sun. That means no sunbathing at all, for 48 hours before your appointment. Using an exfoliator about 2 or 3 days before your waxing appointment, gently scrub, do not scrub too hard, the areas to be waxed. Do not exfoliate again before your appointment. On the day of your appointment, just cleanse your body as you normally would, being sure to rinse well. Do not apply any deodorants, lotions, oils, powders, or perfumes, as they will irritate the area upon waxing.

Q. Does waxing hurt?

Well, we have to be honest here. Everyone has a different tolerance for pain, but the first time will hurt more than any other time. As you wax more regularly, you are removing less hair each time, and less hair means less discomfort. If pain or discomfort is a real concern for you, be sure to have a conversation with your esthetician before your waxing begins so that you can bring your concerns out in the open and receive some support. Please keep in mind that women should avoid waxing during their periods - the skin is most sensitive during this time. Avoid waxing any time your skin is under stress of any kind.

Q. Will I have to take my panties off when I get a bikini wax?

If you are not comfortable removing your underwear, you certainly may leave them on. Your esthetician is a professional and should make sure you are comfortable at all times and that you understand the procedure. Discuss your unease, if any, before your waxing procedure begins. For a regular bikini wax you will be provided with disposable underwear to wear during the service which makes it easier for the esthetician. Your esthetician should also discuss with you where you would like your bikini line to fall. Of course, if at any time you do not feel at ease with your esthetician, be sure to discuss your unease. However, if the unease continues you will want to find an esthetician that makes you feel more comfortable with your waxing experience.

Q. What about post-waxing skin care?

Avoid exposure to the sun or suntanning for at least 24 hours and do not use a tanning booth for at least 48 hours. You'll want to avoid any scented lotions, perfumes, powders, or basically any skin product that is alcohol based. The reason will become evident if you don't avoid these skin products; it will sting.

Q. Once I get into a routine, how long can I go between waxings without seeing hair?

It all depends on how fast your hair grows and if you are just starting your waxing routine. Some people may not be able to go longer than 2 weeks, while others can go as long as 6 weeks. However, the longer you have been on a regular waxing schedule, the longer each waxing will last. Hair grows in cycles which means it's appearing at different intervals. Each time you wax, you are only removing the hair that's made an appearance thus far; there are more hairs waiting underneath that will show up in the next few days. Because of that, it may take up to 3 waxing sessions to have all your hair growing in different intervals finally removed. So, your legs will probably not be smooth for about 3 waxing appointments. After that, you'll notice that you will be able to go longer between waxings without seeing hair.

Still deciding if you want to start waxing instead of shaving? Do you find yourself constantly wondering when you shaved last, or have way too many occasions when you wanted to wear shorts but had to wear slacks because you forgot to shave? When you're at the beach or pool, do you find yourself constantly readjusting your swimsuit to hide those stragglers that keep peeking out? Waxing may be your answer. Once you establish a routine with your esthetician for waxing, you won't ever want to see a razor again. Give your esthetician a call today to schedule a consultation. - 17943

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