There are many assumptions during this difficult economic period and it can hurt the psyche of a lot of talented recruiters. To be honest there is little reason to be concerned as long as you are using your time wisely in effective recruiting. A lot of this comes down to understanding the direction of companies during 2009.
Watson Wyatt conducted a survey during the week of December 8th for a variety of companies across numerous industries to get a well-balanced idea of what changes companies have made and what they will continue to make for the next year. This is important to understand because this information will help to understand areas to focus on and what negative thoughts to avoid when sourcing candidates for large corporations.
If you are working for just once company it is still important to understand recruiting trends in the industry and with your competition. This allows you to be more skilled with knowledge to make the right recruiting and sourcing situations.
The majority of the hiring freeze and layoffs have already taken place for companies and it is expect to be a lot less in 2009. 47% of the companies have entered some level of hiring freeze and 39% have executed layoffs. What is refreshing is that in the next 12 months only 18% are looking at some form of hiring freeze and 23% are planning layoffs.
That is a huge drop off from last year, especially for a hiring freeze. Companies are looking to hire, but they want to be more effective about it, which makes recruiting even more important.
During tough times like this companies need to find the right employees that will perform well. They are always willing to look to hire people that other companies can't keep for whatever reason. Someone's trash can always be someone else's treasure.
As companies continue to look to hire people back or bring in new talent, it becomes important for you to find candidates that are sitting in the dark right now and build trust with them in a nurturing campaign. The trust you can build now will be amazing for the future.
One of the best ways to nurture this campaign is to use a product like TalentSeekr from EnticeLabs. It is great for marketing candidates on the internet and branding them to your corporation. - 17943
Watson Wyatt conducted a survey during the week of December 8th for a variety of companies across numerous industries to get a well-balanced idea of what changes companies have made and what they will continue to make for the next year. This is important to understand because this information will help to understand areas to focus on and what negative thoughts to avoid when sourcing candidates for large corporations.
If you are working for just once company it is still important to understand recruiting trends in the industry and with your competition. This allows you to be more skilled with knowledge to make the right recruiting and sourcing situations.
The majority of the hiring freeze and layoffs have already taken place for companies and it is expect to be a lot less in 2009. 47% of the companies have entered some level of hiring freeze and 39% have executed layoffs. What is refreshing is that in the next 12 months only 18% are looking at some form of hiring freeze and 23% are planning layoffs.
That is a huge drop off from last year, especially for a hiring freeze. Companies are looking to hire, but they want to be more effective about it, which makes recruiting even more important.
During tough times like this companies need to find the right employees that will perform well. They are always willing to look to hire people that other companies can't keep for whatever reason. Someone's trash can always be someone else's treasure.
As companies continue to look to hire people back or bring in new talent, it becomes important for you to find candidates that are sitting in the dark right now and build trust with them in a nurturing campaign. The trust you can build now will be amazing for the future.
One of the best ways to nurture this campaign is to use a product like TalentSeekr from EnticeLabs. It is great for marketing candidates on the internet and branding them to your corporation. - 17943
About the Author:
Cade Krueger consults with recruiters as the Director of Sales for Entice Labs and helps recruiters with job recruitment in order to locate quality hires. He also endorses a product, called TalentSeekr, for job recruiting that reaches five times the candidates at a fraction of the cost of job boards. This helps to save recruiters time and money.